Doona Stroller Review: A Game-Changing All-in-One Car Seat and Stroller

The Doona infant car seat and stroller is a revolutionary 2-in-1 product that is taking the baby gear world by storm. As both a rear-facing infant car seat AND a functional stroller, the Doona car seat and stroller combo provide ultimate convenience for parents.

In this extensive Doona stroller review, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Doona infant car seat and how it works. You’ll learn the key features and benefits of the Doona, how it compares safety-wise to other top infant car seats, and what real parents think about the Doona stroller and car seat.

We’ll also provide tips for using and traveling with the Doona, compare it to popular stroller brands like UPPAbaby, and offer guidance on whether the Doona is worth investing in. Let’s dive in!

What is the Doona Stroller and How Does it Work?

The Doona car seat is the world’s first complete and fully integrated mobility system for babies from birth to 35 lbs. This innovative product functions as both an infant car seat AND a full-featured stroller in one compact, portable design.

Some of the standout features of the Doona stroller include:

  • A wheel system that pops out with the flick of a switch to convert from car seat to stroller mode.
  • A versatile infant car seat for babies from 4-35 lbs, with a 5-point harness and side impact protection.
  • A one-handed folding mechanism that collapses it into a compact shape.
  • An adjustable handlebar, suspension, and easy steering so it maneuvers like a regular stroller.
  • An extended rear back section and an anti-rebound bar for enhanced safety when used as a car seat.
  • A base for securing the Doona in your car (optional).
  • A weight of just 16.5 lbs for easy carrying and transportation.
  • The ability to install safely without the base using the vehicle’s seat belt.

In other words, the Doona stroller truly combines the best features of an infant car seat and a full-size stroller in one lightweight, space-saving product.

Understanding the Doona Infant Car Seat

Doona Infant Car Seat

The Doona functions as a fully safe and tested rear-facing infant car seat for babies from 4-35 lbs and up to 32 inches.

It has thick cushioned sides and a 5-point harness to protect your child while in the car. The side impact protection and anti-rebound bar provide advanced safety technology to absorb crash forces.

Installing the Doona infant car seat is simple, even without the base. The base does provide an easier and more secure install, but the seat belt alone holds it steadily in place. Many parents report that the Doona installs more securely than other infant seats without bases.

The Doona meets or exceeds all applicable US safety standards and has passed extensive crash testing with flying colors. It performed remarkably well in European side impact testing too, surpassing requirements. You can feel confident in the Doona’s safety features and design as a car seat.

Using Doona as a Stroller

Doona Car Seat to Stroller

Converting the Doona from the car seat to the stroller takes just seconds with a quick flip of a switch – no need to wake your sleeping baby! The wheels simply pop out and lock into place to form a sturdy, smooth-riding stroller.

Parents rave about the Doona’s great maneuverability thanks to its front-wheel design and relatively tall wheels. The built-in suspension absorbs bumps, and the swivel front wheels allow tight turning – even with just one hand.

Other convenient stroller features include an extendable handlebar to accommodate parents of different heights and a simple foot brake for stopping. The Doona folds up nearly as compact as an umbrella stroller for storage and transport.

Benefits of the Doona Car Seat and Stroller

Why has the Doona car seat and stroller become so popular with parents? These are a few of the principal advantages:

  • Saves space: Having one product that serves as both a car seat and stroller means you don’t need a separate infant car seat base and stroller frame taking up space at home or in your vehicle.
  • Portability: At just 16.5 pounds, the Doona is lightweight enough for nearly any parent to carry comfortably. The compact fold is small enough to fit in an airplane’s overhead compartment too.
  • Convenience: On the go, you don’t have the hassle of moving your child from the car seat to the stroller – just extend the wheels and go! No waking your baby.
  • Travel friendly: For travel by car, plane, or public transit, Doona simplifies the transport of your infant. Less to carry and install.
  • Easy storage: Doona’s slim folded profile lets you store it in spots where a regular infant seat and stroller won’t fit side-by-side.
  • All weather use: The ample canopy, tires, and suspension allow you to take the Doona through snow, rain, and varied terrain that might stop other strollers.

As you can see, the Doona makes life with a new baby so much easier! The ability to swiftly switch between car seat and stroller modes without disturbing your little one’s sleep is a total game changer for parents.

Doona Stroller Features and Design

The Doona is expertly designed from the wheels up to seamlessly transform between an infant car seat and a fully capable stroller. Let’s look at some key features that allow this dual functionality.

Exploring the Doona Infant Car Seat Details

As a rear-facing infant car seat, the Doona offers everything you’d expect to keep your baby safe and comfortable up to 35 lbs. Features include:

  • A 5-point safety harness with straps that click together simply.
  • Side impact protection including a foam layer for absorbing crash forces.
  • Machine washable fabric covers for easy cleaning.
  • A soft padded inner shell lined with EPS foam.
  • A body support and head cushion insert for newborns.
  • An extendable canopy with a flip-out eyeshade for sun coverage.
  • A harness cover flap to keep straps out of the way when loading your baby.
  • An easy-to-remove crotch pad and shoulder pads.
  • A range of stylish, gender-neutral colors and patterns to choose from.

You can also purchase accessories like vehicle mirror attachments and strap covers to customize your Doona car seat.

Doona Stroller Adaptability and Use

The simple pop-out wheel mechanism makes transitioning the Doona from car seat to stroller a breeze. This smooth maneuverability extends into its performance as a stroller too.

Key qualities that make Doona roll and handle like a pro stroller include:

  • Larger, tall wheels are designed to glide smoothly over uneven terrain.
  • A wide wheelbase for stability even when turning quickly.
  • Suspension for shock absorption over bumps.
  • A swivel front wheel for tight pivoting and maneuverability with one hand.
  • A wide ergonomic handlebar that adjusts for parents of different heights.
  • A dual brake system for steady control on hills and inclines.
  • A slim, compact fold using Doona’s handle with an auto-lock mechanism.
  • A maximum weight capacity of 35 lbs in both car seat and stroller modes.
  • Useable from day one for babies from 4 lbs and up.

Doona Safety and Durability

We’ve already touched on Doona’s safety credentials as an infant car seat, but how does it stack up for durability as a stroller?

The Doona maintains excellent structural integrity when used as a stroller thanks to its aircraft-grade aluminum frame. This keeps the overall weight manageable while providing the strength to withstand the wear and tear of regular use.

The wheel housing and hinges are also reinforced for added sturdiness when in stroller configuration. Everything from the harness to the parking brake is made well and built to last.

In stroller mode testing, the Doona met international standards for durability, stability, and braking effectiveness. Independent lab analysis found the Doona stroller to be just as safe structurally as full-size stroller models.

Comparing Doona to Other Car Seat/Stroller Combos

The Doona isn’t the only car seat and stroller combination on the market, but it does stand out from competitors. Here’s how Doona specs and features measure up to other popular convertibles:

ProductWeightFolded Size
Doona16.5 lbs27” x 17” x 11”
Nuna MIXX27.6 lbs16.5” x 23.2” x 9.1”
Evenflo Pivot Xpand29 lbs28” x 18.5” x 10.5”
Uppababy Vista with Mesa27+ lbs21” x 18” x 11”
Baby Jogger City Go14.5 lbs18” x 25” x 8”

The Doona is one of the lightest while folding up the smallest, making it the most portable pick. It’s also simpler to use compared to combinations involving separate frames.

The Vista’s higher weight capacity and larger seat may make it preferable for parents planning on a lot of infant and toddler sharing. But for portability with an infant, Doona has a clear advantage.

Tips for Using the Doona Stroller

Mastering the ins and outs of the Doona’s dual modes will help you get the most out of this versatile piece of gear. Here are some top tips for using and traveling with the Doona as both a car seat and stroller.

Transitioning Between Car Seat and Stroller

Switching the Doona from a rear-facing car seat to a forward-facing stroller is quick, but here are some pointers for smooth transitions:

  • Make sure your baby is secured in the harness before extending the wheels to avoid a safety issue.
  • For a sleeping baby, engage the wheels before fully lifting from the car to prevent them from waking up.
  • Use the handlebar and your forearm to support the seat so you don’t stress the swivel wheels.
  • Once the back wheels touch down, gently lower the front wheels before continuing the stroll.
  • For regular switching back and forth, buy multiple removable mirrors and canopy attachments.

Best Practices for Doona Car Seat and Stroller Use

Follow these tips to safely operate the Doona in both configurations:

  • When installing it as a car seat, ensure it’s at the proper 45-degree recline and cannot wobble more than 1 inch.
  • Check the harness buckles frequently for the buildup of crumbs or debris that could affect their click.
  • Routinely machine wash the seat’s fabric covers according to instructions to keep it clean.
  • In stroller mode, engage the duplex brake system before loading or unloading your child.
  • Avoid hanging bags from the stroller handle as this can cause tipping. Use the integrated storage basket.
  • Stick to flat terrain and avoid stairs when in stroller mode for optimal safety.

Using Doona for Airplane Travel

The Doona makes air travel with an infant easier with a few smart tips:

  • Purchase a CARES airplane safety belt to secure the Doona on an airplane without a car seat base.
  • Bring the Doona car seat through the airport folded up, then gate check it in stroller mode for the flight.
  • For international flights, check the Doona website for labels that clearly identify it as an approved child restraint.
  • Get a lightweight travel bag to protect the seat from damage when gate checking or stowing in overhead bins.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Keep your Doona in tip-top shape with regular maintenance:

  • Use only mild soap and water to spot-clean the seat pads and fabric covers.
  • Thoroughly hand wash plastic components and wheel housings with warm water to remove dirt buildup.
  • Inspect the harness straps and chest clips periodically for fraying or damage.
  • Ensure the car seat base and connectors are free of debris before installing.
  • Frequently check that the wheel locks and toggles function properly.

Making the Most of the Doona’s Versatility

Take advantage of the Doona’s use as both a car seat and stroller:

  • Use Doona’s car seat-safe installation to easily transport sleeping babies into the house. No need to wake them!
  • When parents share Doona use, get duplicate accessories like the mirror so each car has one.
  • Try the Doona Liki accessory to convert it into a fun toddler tricycle when your child outgrows the stroller.
  • Mix and match Doona’s color options between the seat pad and wheels for a custom look.
  • Use Doona as just the infant car seat early on, then begin stroller use for mobility as the baby gets older.

Doona Stroller Reviews and User Experiences

Don’t just take our word for it! Here’s what real parents have to say about using the Doona infant car seat and stroller based on reviews, testimonials, and forums:

Parents’ Feedback on the Doona

When you look at reviews and reactions from parents who own the Doona, a few key benefits stand out:

  • Easy to install: Most parents find the Doona installed securely and safely in their vehicles, with or without the base.
  • So portable: They love how lightweight and compact it is for carrying, transit use, airplane trips, and storing in small homes.
  • Smooth ride: Parents rave about the Doona’s great maneuverability and smoothness over bumps in stroller mode.
  • Kid-friendly: Babies and toddlers seem comfortable in both seat and stroller positions thanks to the well-cushioned pads.
  • Convenience: Parents unanimously agree that having both a car seat AND stroller in one product is hugely convenient and simplifies trips.

Pros and Cons of the Doona

In their Doona reviews, parents commonly identified these pros and cons:


  • The 2-in-1 design saves space and hassle
  • Lightweight, compact, and truly portable
  • Fast and smooth conversions between modes
  • Ability to transport sleeping newborns easily
  • Doesn’t take up much trunk space


  • Relatively heavy at 16.5 lbs compared to infant seats
  • Wheels are small compared to full-size strollers
  • Fabric covers can show dirt over time
  • Can feel bulky to lift onto high curbs in stroller mode
  • A high price point 

How Doona Compares to Other Top Products

Parents generally agree the convenience of the Doona’s dual use outweighs the limitations. But how does it stack up against popular brands?

vs Uppababy Vista: Some parents think the Vista provides a smoother ride with its larger wheels. But most prefer Doona’s portability.

vs Chicco KeyFit: Parents feel the Doona installs more securely and positions better for transport than the KeyFit.

vs Peg Perego: While pricier, Doona buyers think the functionality of having a car seat and stroller built-in makes it worthwhile.

vs Babyzen Yoyo: Parents like Doona’s bigger seat and canopy compared to the Yoyo stroller.

Living Small with the Doona

City parents and those with limited space almost unanimously credit the Doona with simplifying life in tight spaces:

  • Its slim profile makes Doona easy to store, even in tiny entryways and elevators.
  • Without a separate frame or base, the Doona takes up minimal space in small homes.
  • For apartment living, taking Doona on Uber rides or on public transit is no problem.
  • Traveling via plane with the lightweight Doona is much easier than hauling a full travel system.

As one NYC mom put it, “The Doona has been a total game changer for city living with our newborn. We can actually leave the house now!”

Is the Investment Worth It?

the Doona costs notably more than some regular infant seats and lightweight strollers. But for many parents, the money is worth it:

  • You save money in the long run by not buying both a car seat and a stroller.
  • The Doona holds its value well, retaining higher resale prices than standard single products.
  • For frequent travelers or city dwellers, the cost efficiency of just having one product can make up for the higher initial price.
  • It costs less than “travel systems” with separate infant car seats and stroller bases.

As a high-quality product with dual use as an infant car seat and stroller built-in, most feel they got their money’s worth from the Doona. The convenience it provides during the first year with a baby can be priceless.

Choosing Doona vs. Other Stroller Brands

How does the Doona compare beyond general car seat and stroller combos? Let’s pit it head-to-head with some of the top infant gear brands.

The Doona infant car seat and stroller holds its own against esteemed brands known for baby travel gear:

  • vs. Graco: While budget-friendly, Graco car seats are bulkier and less portable than the Doona.
  • vs. Chicco: Chicco is known for easy car seat installation but doesn’t offer an integrated stroller option.
  • vs. Peg Perego: Peg Perego car seats are similar quality but far heavier than the lightweight Doona.
  • vs. Britax: Britax is renowned for safety but doesn’t have an all-in-one car seat and stroller option.
  • vs. UPPAbaby: UPPAbaby is the closest competitor but their infant car seat and stroller combos are heavier.
  • vs. Nuna: High-end Nuna offers the MIXX modular system but it’s pricier, heavier, and more complex.
  • vs. Cybex: Cybex is sleek but not as compact or lightweight as Doona.
  • vs. Maxi-Cosi: Maxi-Cosi doesn’t have the game-changing 2-in-1 functionality of the Doona travel system.

Doona vs. Convertible and All-in-One Car Seats

The Doona functions as an infant car seat only. But how does it compare to convertible seats as the baby gets older?

  • vs. Evenflo EveryStage: This all-in-one serves infants up to the booster stage but is bulkier.
  • vs. Graco Extend2Fit: Graco’s convertible lasts longer rear-facing but doesn’t have a stroller option.
  • vs. Britax One4Life: Large and heavy but transitions from infant through booster.
  • vs. Chicco NextFit: Easy install but not intended for newborn use like the Doona.

Many parents use Doona for infant mobility in year one, then transition to a convertible seat like those above after the stroller stage.

Personalizing Your Doona

One of the Doona’s perks is the ability to customize the aesthetics:

  • Mix and match colored wheels, canopies, and seat pads for a unique look.
  • Choose from fashions like Black Jack, Orange Tiger, or Blue Lagoon.
  • Add accessories like cup holders, belly bars, bags, and mirrors.
  • Affix baby name stickers or decorative nursery rhyme clips.
  • Get seat strap covers in fun patterns.
  • Purchase organizers like the Doona Snap-On Storage in coordinating colors.

Doona in Everyday Life

Parents report seamlessly integrating the Doona into all facets of life:

  • For errands, the Doona allows quick supervision of babies in parking lots.
  • Long car rides are easier than being able to transport a sleeping infant inside.
  • Smooth terrain strolling, tight indoor navigation, and curb popping make Doona ideal for malls and stores.
  • On planes, Doona provides babies with a safe, familiar seat while saving luggage space.
  • For grandparent visits or nanny hand-offs, you don’t have to move the baby from seat to seat.

Buying Doona Alongside Other Gear

Many parents use Doona in conjunction with other complementary baby items:

  • An inexpensive snap-on stroller frame expands your options.
  • A baby carrier like the Ergo Baby lets you wear infant Doona and stow the seat.
  • A compatible car seat mirror provides the rear visibility of the baby.
  • An additional car seat base makes Doona shareable between vehicles.
  • A cup holder and storage hanging organizer add functionality.

The Doona doesn’t necessarily replace all other gear but optimizes use as an infant mobility system. It’s smart to build a baby arsenal that takes advantage of Doona’s abilities for portable safety.

The Bottom Line – Who Should Buy the Doona?

So who is the Doona infant car seat and stroller a good fit for?

  • Urban parents: For navigating crowded cities, public transit, and storing in small homes, Doona is ideal.
  • Frequent travelers: Jetsetting parents will appreciate Doona’s compact, portable, fly-friendly convenience.
  • Caregiver coverage: Nannies, grandparents, and others caring for babies can easily use Doona without separate gear.
  • Newborn mobility: The ability to transport sleeping newborns in the car seat is a big perk.
  • Infant/toddler on the go: During the first year, Doona simplifies your active life with a baby.

Parents wanting an integrated car seat and stroller for maximum portability should strongly consider the Doona. While an investment, the convenience pays off tenfold during the infant and early toddler days. It takes the hassle out of mobility and lets you focus on your child.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Doona Stroller:

What are the key benefits of the Doona infant car seat and stroller?

How safe is the Doona car seat?

How does Doona compare to other infant car seat and stroller combos?

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