How to Grocery Shop With a Stroller – Hack of 2023

Grocery shopping with kids can be challenging, but taking your little one along in a stroller makes the trip doable. With some planning and helpful gear, you can shop the aisles while keeping your child content.

As a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, I’ve learned a few tricks for how to grocery shop with a stroller over the years. Read on for my tips to make your next grocery run smooth sailing!

One handy strategy is to use a stroller with a removable infant seat or a regular car seat in the cart. This way, your child can comfortably sit while you shop, and you won’t need to push a separate cart.

Pick the Right Stroller for Grocery Shopping or shop with a baby

How to Grocery Shop With a Stroller

First, consider your stroller type. While umbrella strollers are the smallest, they often lack storage space, which might not be ideal for a trip to Walmart. Jogging strollers, on the other hand, can be too bulky for navigating store aisles comfortably.

I recommend opting for a full-size stroller with a decent-sized basket underneath. The storage basket should be easily accessible while you push the stroller around the store. This way, you can make a list and shop more efficiently without worrying too much about space.

If you don’t have a suitable stroller or prefer alternatives to strollers, you can look for a car seat carrier that attaches to the carts provided at the store. These carriers can provide a secure spot for your infant’s car seat, leaving you with more space for groceries in the cart.

Keep in mind that as a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, I may earn a commission if you choose to purchase any recommended products through the provided links.

  • Large basket under the seat
  • Front wheels that swivel for maneuverability
  • Reclining seat for napping
  • Cup holders and trays for snacks/drinks
  • Handlebar with adjustable height

Having the right stroller equipped for the grocery store will make all the difference.

How to grocery shop with a stroller? Create a Game Plan for grocery shopping with a baby

Before heading to the store, make a solid game plan:

Make your list: Write out everything you need for the week so you can shop efficiently. Planning meals and recipes in advance helps make an organized list. Once you’ve got your list ready, use this method to streamline your shopping trip:

Before you even get a cart, consider utilizing a cart hammock or a similar attachment that provides a safe and secure place to store your baby’s car seat. This way, you can take your baby around the store and protect your baby while having easy access to the cart for your groceries. This method is particularly useful for parents with infants, making it easier to maneuver around the store while ensuring your little one is comfortable and safe.

Know store layout: Study your grocery store’s floor map so you can plan the most efficient route through the aisles. Group items by location to minimize backtracking and save time. Additionally, if you have a smaller stroller with limited storage, consider using a detachable cart basket or a detachable stroller organizer that provides extra space for your groceries. This can be a lifesaver for many parents who prefer to have their baby around while shopping without the extra cost of a larger stroller. With your stroller in tow, you can navigate the store efficiently, ensuring that both your shopping and your baby’s comfort are well taken care of.

Time it right: Aim for naptime or when the store isn’t too crowded, such as weekday mornings, to make your grocery shopping with your baby a smoother experience. This is especially helpful if you have a smaller stroller like the Cybex, Baby Trend, or Uppababy Vista that may not have a lot of storage space for grocery items. Shopping during quieter times allows you to move through the store with ease, ensuring both you and your baby have a more comfortable and enjoyable outing to the grocery store.

Full charge: Fully charge your phone so you can use grocery apps and lists to help you shop more efficiently. For parents with infants, consider utilizing a detachable shopping basket or a detachable shopping basket that attaches securely to the stroller. This extra storage space can be invaluable when using strollers with limited room in their storage basket. It allows you to place your baby in the infant seat from the stroller, freeing up space in the cart for your groceries. This way, you can carry your baby and your baby gear comfortably while ensuring you have enough space to store your grocery items as you navigate the store.

Cache supplies: Stock the diaper bag with essentials like diapers, wipes, a changing pad, and an extra outfit. This is especially important when you’re out and about with your little one, whether you’re using a Cybex Gazelle S stroller or any other baby’s stroller. With a well-prepared diaper bag, you don’t have to worry about unexpected messes or needs while grocery shopping. Plus, you’ll be able to focus on the task at hand, even if you don’t have carts readily available. If your store doesn’t have stroller storage, you can also utilize a hammock in the shopping cart to securely put the baby’s stroller while you shop. These tips on how to grocery shop with a baby’s stroller ensure a smoother experience for both you and your little one.

Having a game plan prevents aimlessly wandering the aisles with a grumpy child.

Prep Your Stroller for Shopping or tips on how to grocery

To prep your stroller, consider:

  • Recline the seat: Let your child lay back and relax if needed.
  • Adjust handlebar height: Raise it for comfortable pushing.
  • Secure safety straps: Buckle your child in properly.
  • Fill your basket: Start with bulky items like diapers and wipes underneath.
  • Bring toys/books: Have a few favorites on hand to entertain your child if needed.
  • Pack snacks: Stock snacks and sippy cups to tide them over.

Taking a few minutes to optimize the stroller setup will make your trip go smoothly.

Grocery Shopping Stroller Strategies

Once you’re in the store, use these strategies:

  • Take wide turns: Don’t bump into displays! Leave room to maneuver.
  • Drive slow: Resist zooming through the store. Slow and steady does it.
  • Load strategically: Place heavy items under the handlebar for stability.
  • Ask for help: Have staff reach items from high shelves to avoid tipping.
  • Watch Behind You: Glance back often so you don’t run over little feet.
  • Use free hands: Keep one hand free for grabbing items, opening doors, etc.
  • Entertain if needed: Give them a snack or new toy if they get restless.

Following these tips will prevent headaches like spills and meltdowns in aisle 3.

Getting Through Checkout

The last stroller challenge – checking out!

  • Choose wisely: Opt for self-checkout or a lane with ample room.
  • Unload smart: Place fragile items on the belt last so they aren’t crushed.
  • Park strategically: Position the stroller so your child can’t grab items off the belt.
  • Pay ahead: Have payment ready to make the process smooth.
  • Ask for help: Request help from the cashier to bag bulky items.
  • Restock supplies: Replenish snacks, toys, and books for the ride home.

Checkout is much simpler with some planning and patience.

Surviving the Trek to Your Vehicle

You made it through the store – but there’s still the journey to the car.

  • Wear your child: If possible, use a carrier to free up your hands.
  • Make multiple trips: Don’t overload your arms if you can take a couple trips.
  • Take the cart: In a small lot you can roll the cart to your vehicle.
  • Load up: Put heavy items into your trunk first so you have free hands after.
  • Secure your child: Ensure they are buckled into the car seat properly before leaving.

With some final organization, you’ll get everything packed into the car smoothly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What type of stroller works best for grocery shopping?

How can I plan ahead to make grocery shopping with a stroller easier?

What are some tips for prepping the stroller before entering the store?

What stroller driving strategies should I use while shopping?

How can I make checking out easier with a stroller?

What should I do when navigating the parking lot after checkout?

Does grocery shopping with a stroller get easier over time?

Enjoy Future Grocery Trips

The first few grocery runs with a stroller can be daunting. But it does get easier over time as you find tricks that work for you.

Optimizing your stroller, planning efficiently, and staying calm under pressure will lead to success. You’ve got this! Grocery shopping is just another fun adventure with your little one when you use these stroller tips.

Let me know your own strategies for how to grocery shop with a stroller in the comments!

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